177. Christmas comes my Way © Hélène Levasseur


I have chosen to seek Jesus Christ’s festive holy face
At Christmas this practice enables me to put him on
I wear him throughout every moment like clothing
The sooner I do this I communicate gleefully with him
The more prepared I am for whatever comes my way

Wearing him I realize that I carry his mind everywhere
He sanctifies everything that I think, say and do so kindly
You see he is my Jesus and he controls my daily thinking
I am transformed by this Christmas renewal within self
And able to deal with people and situations in every way

Forthcoming are cancer tests to determine my next steps
Cancer has struck twice but carrying Christ brings me peace
Nothing is impossible with God and you see my mind is in him
It’s Christmas and I thus clothe myself with the Lord Jesus
Thus comes compassion, kindness, humility and lots of patience

The first thing you know I find myself in Christmas Festivities
There are Jingle Bells ringing and people are celebrating
Dearest Jesus’ birthday is with so much laughter and cheer
The whole community is decorating with christmas delights
At peace we go to our Christmas mass with awe and respect

Merry Christmas everyone as I wish you Health and Prosperity
In Jesus Christ’s name as he is the Reason for the Season.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Folks!