190. A Week Before Christmas © Hélène Levasseur

Hey it’s already a Week before Christmas
And all through the quickly moving hours
Our thinking starts being of us all and our joy
Preparing our beautiful and glorious Festivities
Beginning by planning to go to Midnight Mass
Orchestrating a “Réveillons” chez nous or vous
Gifts will be certainly exchanged and endeared
And good old Christmas songs and jigs galore
Definitely will be sung through the day and night
Family and friends thus will be uniting gleefully
Sharing our love with gentle hugs and kisses
Even traditional pecks on both of our cheeks
Giggling and laughing hysterically as always
Creating jokes about our time past and even before
Then making genuine resolutions for the New Year
Ascertaining a Joyful and Merry Christmas
As we review yesterdays in all of our sincerity
We will make changes for what is forthcoming
This is not the end of our time as we are eager
To experience the beginning of a delightful
Series of quests of dreams and aspirations
And manifestations showing our true love
For our Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent
God Almighty Father who undoubtedly did send us
His Son Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Saviour
Who we are celebrating honourably praising his birth
His Emmanuel also the Holy Spirit He indeed promised
Who dwells in our Hearts and entourages delightfully
Proclaiming to the world that we will consciously
Start immediately serving instead of selfing
A coup like no other in the 3rd Millennium
What a beautiful Christmas Gift of Hope
To God’s Creation sharing this to one another.
As it is really beginning in our Christmas week
And imagine it being manifested in this Era
“Holy Wow We praise Him proclaiming it – Amen!