189. Poetry is Illuminating © Hélène Levasseur


Poetry makes me want to believe that its easy to live
Surviving a Brain Injury and Two Cancers so progressive
I, Marie Noëlle Hélène Levasseur Charron is no captive
In remission I am forgiving as I remain somewhat active

The Hoy Wow Poets in Maple Ridge of which I am the Founder
Orchestrating it for several years has been quite an adventure
Poets some self published some not paint a fine delightful picture
Of neatly performing recital at Poetry Clubs with lots of vigour

A visit to Poetry Bashes at Performance Works on Granville Market
Gave me a will to free poets bringing forth their ingenious wit
Whether in outstanding prose & rhyme poetry so devoutly fit
For odd audiences showing the Lower Mainland’s Grand Spirit

Once a Teacher, Secretary and Trade and Consumer Show Manager
Enabled me to go through what was destroyed only to encounter
New skills, talents and treasures encompassing that of a “Rhymester”
Seeing and saying the sky’s never the limit for one who is a “Star Gazer”

Things will surely pass as a Tragedy is proven to be only momentary
In a coma for three weeks one becomes they say quite contrary
Out of balance our equilibrium remains deranged or fragmentary
It’s not our fault as everything we say is purposely involuntary

2017 is forthcoming and it is my time to have a Benevolent Career
Doing Poetry shows at the Act Theatre with hoopla and cheer
Inviting the Fraser Valley Folks to embark on as a Volunteer
Published or not poets joining to simply becoming a Pioneer

Holy wow Poets invite you! So on your mark. Get set and Go!
Read “Poetry for Dummies” and compose a poem so profoundo
Show us that there is nothing that you cannot undergo
Become a renown poet in our midst producing el manifesto

I, Hélène Levasseur, think that I’m onto something of glory
A miracle from a production re. “An International Documentary”
From “Mental Damage to Homage” so we can make this honorary
Realizing that we were all mean for quite a “Coup of Publicity!”