Time to ponder on Life Everlasting metamorphosing after exposing herself to the entire global world!
It appears that she lives in a lie
Told that the cancer is terminal
Knowing if it is true she starts to cry
Can her entire life ever be normal
Not to worry folks she says we all die
Believing how it could happen is worrisome
Her death is not what she chooses to vie
Living to the fullest must not be bothersome
She chooses to do something about this
It’s time to live it up to the fullest
She’s started planning a life of bliss
Doing an el grandeur bucket list
Having made up her sincere mind
To move forth with vim and vigour
Looking after her health not blind
But alert like the old Hélène Levasseur
So on your mark. Get set. Go woman go.
Man we miss that cheerio pip pip gal
It’s time to re-integrate into this world’s show
She will know she’s alive and a friendly pal
Theatrical, musical, philosophical and trendy
She submerges from a burrow and finally can re-discover
Her hidden skills, talents and treasures so glossy
Come on Hélène we know you carry the traits of a Levasseur
Having been absent for twenty seven years to date
Recovering from a major head injury and two cancers
The World knows that this was never meant to be her state
Thank God she believes in His Word being prophetic sciptures
So ladies and gentlmen clear the road Hélène’s on a mission
Perhaps once placed on a journey of self-discovery with misery
Living in this lie was difficult and some not part of her devotion
Forgive her for taking such a long travail in her recovery
So let’s begin today seeing this lie broken into a zillion pieces
Replaced with spiritual inspiration in her daily servanthood
As she moves forth bringing lots of teachings which ceases
Any lengths of long suffering as she welcomes all that is good
Never before in the history of having a Severe Brain Injury
And two bouts of severe Cancer now labelled Metastatic
Have we seen the growth and emancipation of one so trustworthy
Never giving up with the world’s challenges so catastrophic
I talk about Hélène like she’s my sister as I am Marie Noëlle
Her best friend always trying to bring to the world her new identity
It’s been difficult as she enters the twenty seventh year of recovery well
Writing with a Third Eye brings me in the presence of one so crafty
So today I introduce and ask you to applaud Hélène Levasseur
The featured poet that tries to entertain her audience reciting
No one is like her exact as she is the one and absolute Survivor
Still Poetry writing, singing and composing being entertaining.
So ladies and gentemen let’s give her a round of applause
for the one and only brilliant and everlasting Hélène Levasseur!
There’s no conceit in her family folks as she carries it all. Voila!