With the simple and direct style of an incessant “Thinking Depot Journal” along with Poems and Songs combined with a yearning to please God a personal book entitled “Marie Noelle’s Medley” submerged. How about that?! A Miracle!
Who would ever believe that keeping a journal about myself that describes much Tragedy and Trauma would end up perhaps representing some Triumph.
I experienced the following:
Helene “Live-In-A-Sewer”
Lamenting Levasseur
Loose Lips Levasseur
This occured when I was labelled Bi-Polar and I must admit I was certainly off my kilter.
The first Semester of 10 years was dealing with Tragedy. Second Semester of 10 years was dealing with Trauma and perhaps the next 10 Year Semester could end up being Triumphant.
This personal book also labelled “A Slow but Sure Balancing Act” is a hint of a traumatically brain injured survivor accompanied with cancer striking twice labelled Metastatic. What impostors who came for a visit!
However Hélène believes that these two decades and three years have drawn her to develop knowledge and understanding of her quest in life and developing a close relationship with God.
Jesus Christ said: “Ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you”. Voila!
It’s mandatory for us all to develop a sound loving relationship with God and not be afraid to ask for his assistance, his aid in accomplishing the impossible…!
My Goals and Aspirations:
- Forgeting Self.
- Becoming Benevolent.
- Helping Brain Injured people as well as Cancer Survivors to reconcile with God.
- Doing Musical Therapy.
- Composing Lyrics and Music and Poems.
- Doing a Fund Raise Special Event for The Fraser Valley Brain Injury Association and B. C. Cancer Agency in Abbotsford, B. C.
- Just being.
- Resting, Meditating and Praying.
- Doing a Testimonial upon invitation.
- Becoming Spirituallly Fit.
- Having Peace of Heart and Peace of Mind.
- Being Healthy, Slim and Trim.
- Learning Intimacy.
- Forgiving and loving me.
- Placing God first in everything I think, say and do to show off His Almighty Glory.