Twenty seven years have gone like bye-byes
Having left me with a few following my demise
But without so many wailing cries
I venture out with vim that thus fortifies
Was labelled severely brain injured
My intelligence somewhat hampered
Focus & concentration was tampered
Leaving traces of being brain severed
Many semesters were in my recovery
The first one was labelled “A Tragedy”
“Trauma” was the second and very weary
Lo and behold “Triumph” has come finally
In this third decade I almost felt forbidden
The doctors did say I would remain hidden
Everything I learned was very heavy laden
What can I say when I was so crestfallen
After many years I’m only now re-integrating
Time is here to come out of any rehabilitating
And slowly enter the world when dismantling
Engrained fears obtained by simply doing nothing
At the Act Theatre I get rid of any kind of ill-will
Delving into becoming public moving forth uphill
I could leave a message that shrills people’s thrill
The audience watches one with this outstanding pill
Well of course the Pill is “Poetry!”
Poetry makes me want to believe that it’s easy to live
Surviving a Brain Injury and two Cancers so progressive
I, Hélène Levasseur, is without a doubt no captive
In remission I am forgiving as I choose to be somewhat active
The Holy Wow Poets in Maple Ridge of which I am the Founder
Organizing it for several years has been quite an adventure
Some self-published some not paint a fine delightful literary picture
Of neatly performing recitals at Poetry Clubs with lots of vigour
A visit to Poetry Bashes at Performance Works on Granville Market
Gave me a will to free poets as they bring forth their ingenious wit
Whether in outstanding prose & rhyme poetry so devoutly fit
For odd audiences showing the Lower Mainland’s Grand Spirit
Once Teacher, Secretary and Trade & Consumer Show Manager
Enabled me to go through what was destroyed only to encounter
New skills, talents and treasures encompassing that of a “Rhymester”
Seeing & Saying the sky’s never the limit for one who is a “Star Gazer”
Things will surely pass as a Tragedy is proven to be only momentary
In a coma for three weeks one becomes they say “Quite Contrary”
“Out of Balance” our “Equilibrium remains deranged or fragmentary”
It’s not our fault as everyhting we say is purposely involuntary
2017 is now here and it is my Year to have a “Benevolent Career”
Doing Poetry Shows at the Act Theatre with “Hooplah and Cheer”
Inviting the Fraser Valley folks to embark on as a “Volunteer”
Published or not poets joining to simply becoming a “Pioneer”
Holy Wow Poets invite you! So on your mark. Get set and Go!
Read “Poetry for Dummies” and compose a poem so profoundo
Show us that there is nothing that you can not undergo
Become a reknown poet in our midst producing el Manifesto
I, Hélène Levasseur, think that I’m onto “Something of Glory”
A miracle from a production re. “An International Documentary”
From “Mental Damage to Homage” so we can make this honourary
Realizing that we were all meant for quite a “Coup of Publicity!”
I’ve been waiting for “God’s pious Hooting and Cheering!”
For those who are experiencing “Suffering and Lamenting”
Time has come to embark a few of us who are still self-denying
But deeply yearning “Poetic Potential” though still hibernating
Why not embark on the greatest “Prolific Adventure”
Where a documentary endears a quest for any “Survivor”
Taking people out of their “Shell and Burrowing Shelter”
And immersing them into a “Poetry World of Wonder”
What shall we name those survivors so magnified
The new chapters in their lives are certainly gratified
Performing we all become “Seasoned and Quite Dignified”
It appears that we’re onto something “Grandly Sanctified”
We’re Holy Wow Poets as we say with quite a wide smile
Discussing matters over a cup of tea of tasty Camomile
Finaly we’re coming out of having been in a “Long Exile”
My goodness we’re here taking “A Quantum Leap Mile”
Folks do you think we have found in our midst a “Goldmine”
The “Documented Holy Route” will seem like “A Serpentine
Not to worry let’s just ponder drinking some “Port Wine”
“No Monkeyshine!” Let’s all stand tall like “Lordly Pine!”
Reciting at the Royal City Literary Arts Society is always a pleasure
What an honour being a “Special Holy Wow Poet Feature”
Invited by the Poets who bring me forth as a new figure
For the enjoyment of unknowns without pressure
Perhaps I also called Marie Noelle Hélène will leave a “Fragrance”
Choosing a “Bitter-Sweet-Bright-Biographic Nature” with “Poetic Elegance”
Beginning a “Friendship Club” bringing some “Reconaissance”
To souls for their “Sweetheart Stage Personal Performance”
I’ve reached this “Beginning Moment” in my poetry composing
But am somewhat left with a yearning for more exposing
Did you know that I believe that I was meant for “Entertaining”
It’s been a part of me since I was just “A Teen simply Flirting”
Oh Dear I must realize that the time has come for “Fruition”
In “Baby Stages” of “Studying Poetry” we need much “Affection”
“A Rhymester” shows up and the audience never “Falls into Oblivion”
But must be careful of not scaring them through my “Poetic Passion”
Whilst reciting a number came to my mind and and I was “Smitten”
Ten minutes has gone by now and I certainly don’t want to be a Burden
Remember what the doctors had said I now prove them “Ill-Gotten”
“Alive and Well Full of Fun and Laughter – “I’m out of “Kindergarden”
So on that note let me inform you that I am full of “Excitement”
Every day that goes by I will remember this grateful “Achievement”
The Holy Wow Poets helps people reach an “Era of Encouragement”
So I leave you today with some poetry that is “Not of Bereavement”
I promise to study poetry and rehearse all of it “Godspeed!”
One of my favourite poems is our lovely “Aspostle’s Creed”
I promise to write wholeheartedly without any doubt or greed
Never forgetting the listeners while I wear some “Fancy Tweed”
I’m not into pleasing “Affluent People” but all who have an ear
It certainly appears that the time has come for me to reappear
Thank you for being “My Applauders” like I was “Shakespeare”
I leave you now and embark on my “Study of Edward Lear!”